But this decentralized federalist structure is part of who they thought they were and who they continue to think they are.
Even though decentralized England expands its bureaucracy and collected taxes much more efficiently than across the channel in France, state-making involved more officials there.
即使是在分权的英国 官僚政府也日益扩大,他们比海峡对岸的法国有着更多苛捐杂税,现代国家的形成需要更多的官员
The Federal Open Market Committee makes monetary policy so it's decentralized and long terms.
And,even though it's decentralized, it does not mean that the State is not strong, and that the State will not be making decisions that will affect the lives of ordinary people.
But Amsterdam reflects this kind of primacy of the global economy, because it's such an important trading power, but also this federalist decentralized aspect that I've tried to describe.
The tradition of these decentralized city-states that were the heart of the Renaissance.
Very, very different than this federalist decentralized structure of both of these countries.
There was a case of a very minor insurrection in an obscure Italian city in 1848 where the people of the town literally locked the ruler out of the town-- and Italy remains decentralized.
Both of these states are decentralized states.