And I think what we decide to do in our congregation here whether it's Christian, Muslim or Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist,whatever.
So when you see her and when you decide what you're going to do for the evening,
Marcion,though,seemed to have spurred other Christian leaders to decide what they thought Christian scripture should do.
Like how does a university or how does any - -well let's stick with the university- how do you get to the core and decide: yes this is actually the intention of this is justice.
And the third thing I need to decide is how do I combine? You know, point out to you in the binary search case, combination was trivial. The answer to the final search was just the answer all the way up.
If you decide to raise your hand, those are motor neurons telling the muscles what to do.
If you decide to take this course, get a hold of the materials for next Tuesday, do listening exercises one and nine through eleven.
So the citizens had to do their own fighting and to decide when to fight.
I'm not sure how many of us would decide the last thing we wanted to do with our remaining years is to spend it in college.
You all could still do that if you decide too, but it's going to be harder for you than if you would have started when you were ten, so you're losing some potential around - along the way.
or going to college if I do decide to,
You've got to decide, all right? This is, you can talk to your neighbors, you know do a little bit of thinking. And I'm going to give you ten seconds to figure this out, what your vote is for that.
How do boards and their committees decide how much to pay out in dividends?
Do one comparison and return one of two possible orders on it, but I need to decide that.
since all the information is in the current price, you don't have to worry about whether it went up or down yesterday, to decide what it's going to do today.
If I wanted to use print as a variable name, how do I get the system to decide gee, do I want print as a value for something, or do I want print as a command?