So one way that neurons, in particular, are able to communicate with other cells in the nervous system, share information, integrate information, decide what to do next is that they are physically connected to other different cells.
So when you see her and when you decide what you're going to do for the evening,
And I think what we decide to do in our congregation here whether it's Christian, Muslim or Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist,whatever.
Marcion,though,seemed to have spurred other Christian leaders to decide what they thought Christian scripture should do.
since all the information is in the current price, you don't have to worry about whether it went up or down yesterday, to decide what it's going to do today.
If you decide to raise your hand, those are motor neurons telling the muscles what to do.
What we're going to have to do is try to decide between them.
And then the last thing I want to do, is just decide, you know, what do I do when I'm done.
Somebody who hold a--held a dualist view that said that what we do and what we decide and what we think and what we want are all have nothing to do with the physical world, would be embarrassed by the fact that the brain seems to correspond in intricate and elaborate ways to our mental life.