The property rights are established and enforced by the government, which is a democratic government, and we have representatives to enforce those rights.
And again even today the expression " "Athenian democracy" connotes an ideal of the most complete form of democratic government that has ever existed.
The next year 403 the Tyrants The Thirty as they were called were driven out and a democratic government was once again reestablished in Athens.
Its conception of justice, minding one's own business, is a rejection of the democratic belief that citizens have sufficient knowledge to participate in the offices of government.
Who was this strange and elusive man whose writings seem to have been enlisted both for the support of monarchy and for republics, even for a universal monarchy and a smaller participatory democratic kind of government?
There are certainly echoes of this reading of Aristotle as a teacher of participatory republican government in the later writings of democratic thinkers from Tocqueville to Hannah Arendt.