It's a kind of dare demonstrating not just his indifference to the crowd but in fact his scorn for it.
This sentence, which by the logic of the argument should be demonstrating to us the importance of bringing bad books to justice, seems to be doing something else.
She has him fully under her power at this point, and it's that chapter break that you can see demonstrating the fact.
And this was painstaking work. What you have here is the photographic plate demonstrating a spread.
The insurance company has to have some way of demonstrating its soundness to the public.
You might even say that Machiavelli takes delight in demonstrating, much to our chagrin, the space between our lofty intentions and the actual consequences of our deeds.
Remember we were just demonstrating, listening to the Ravel Bolero.
Milton's would be an epic demonstrating the origins and ; the heroic achievement of his own nation, England; or maybe he'd be thinking a little broadly of Britain, which is England, Scotland and Wales.