It is a transnational idea, in other words, which nevertheless has, obviously, certain specific applications depending on where it is.
I heard that in the United Kingdom, people speak quite differently depending on what part they came from.
That's a simple thing and it's so very different depending on the time of a year when you do it.
And depending on the mood I'm in, I either congratulate them, or I say ah, you screwed up, huh? Then you had to fix it.
But in fact, if you just run your fingers again and again over this floppy disk you are disorienting those particles or knocking them off perhaps altogether, depending on the medium.
Depending on what kind of chemistry you go in to, you might accidentally memorize parts of the table, which is fine, but what you really want to know how to do is know how to use the periodic table.
It would be anywhere from here to here, depending on how much you're afraid of risk and how much you want expected return.
Depending on which cell you are you would call one the 'receptor' and the other the 'ligand'.
It had two--depending on when you look to three dozen major full-time slave traders.
You've got a property that changes, depending on the heat flow.
A baby will form his mouth differently depending on what he's sucking on.
The first statements, either one through four or one through five depending on your counting, but the first group of statements concern Israel's relationship with her suzerain, with God. She's to be exclusively faithful to God. She's not to bow down to any manmade image.
He is dung depending on which story you listen to.
The idea here is that when foods get ingested in the body, they create different responses from each other depending on how they affect insulin and blood sugar, blood sugar especially.
What I suggest we do is we do what we did last time and we start to draw a picture to figure out what my expected payoff is, depending on what I believe the goalie is going to do.
It can have a very sarcastic undertone which could be good, depending on what you need to express.