And, I will go through the actual line by line derivation not because I want to do derivations in class.
So I could have written right here immediately CvdT equals Cv dT, and that was the end of my derivation.
I will only do them on one condition, and that is I want to be able to teach you what the assumptions are that underlie the points in the derivation.
This is so obvious in this problem, but when you see more complicated formula, you may not know all the assumptions that went into the derivation and quite often you will be using it when you shouldn't.
Now if you look at my derivation here, there's one spot where I could have just stopped and proven my point without going through the whole thing.
It is a really cool derivation.
So, what we're going to do is we're going to go through the derivation of that next day.
We can make some substitutions here using some of the derivation on the previous board which will give us the Planck constant divided by 2 pi mass of the electron times the Bohr radius.
I will try to finish every lecture on time, but sometimes if I'm in the middle of a sentence or the middle of a derivation, I may have to go over by a couple of minutes; there's no need to shuffle your feet and move stuff around.