As a consequence, the diary measures have their own sets of flaws that we'll talk about in a minute.
This is why a dream diary or writing up-- writing your dreams as soon as you wake up turns out to be useful.
They are born reciters, great memory retainers, diary keepers, letter exchangers and letter savers, history tracers and debaters, and outstaying all the rest they are just great talkers."
You're essentially doing a diary; you're keeping track of what you're eating.
Dudley describes their rescue in his diary with staggering euphemism.
If you want to remember your dream by the way keep your dreams--keep a dream diary, very useful, but everybody dreams three to four times a night.
The diet diary--the food frequency is a different kind of questionnaire.
He wrote an amazing diary. He was a loner.
A diary is another method.
Also, I don't think that there is any remorse, like in Dudley's diary, "We're eating our breakfast," it seems as though he's just sort of like, you know, the whole idea of not valuing someone else's life.
So but the diary is a way to get more sophisticated information on individuals for dietary counseling purposes and the like, but it's pretty labor intensive and then it requires either a computer to analyze the diet or some human being who is trained in this to sit down and make sense of the data.