And if something parochial is blinding you, that needs to die for something more cosmopolitan and broader and deeper to be reborn.
Although here, it's as if the government is electing by conscription certain citizens to go die for the sake of the whole.
It seems to me rather a long distance from the thought, nobody can die for me,nobody can take my part, to the claim,everybody dies alone.
Was it for want of graves in Egypt that you brought us to die in the wilderness?
because something inside of you has to die in order for something to be reborn.
In contrast, if you look at a U.S.City, ten years ago in 1997 for example, then people still died but they didn't die predominantly from infectious diseases.
There are also survivorship policies that will pay, for example, the second to die-- there would be a policy if a husband and wife get it, then it pays out when the second of them dies.
If you imagined a choice between this one gene that makes the animal choose to die and the other gene that makes an animal choose for its brothers to die, the gene that sacrifices the body it belongs to will make more copies in the future.
Have we at least found something interesting,necessary, unique to death when we say,Nobody can die my death for me.
What about the fact that it's not just that we live, ? or for that matter it's not just that we die.
Five of them sustain moderate injuries, one is severely injured, you could spend all day caring for the one severely injured victim but in that time, the five would die.
In short,even though it's true that nobody can die my death for me, this isn't some deep insight into the special nature of death.
.. So that death-- they're optimists in this strange sense, if they think life would've been good, which means of course that that we die is bad for us.
Just suppose, for whatever reason, nobody could die between twelve and one.
Well,if that's right,how can it be bad for me to die?
That nobody can die my death for me.