It's really the difference between perseverance in my case, and genius-- pure, unadulterated genius-- in the case of Chopin.
You see the difference in electronegativity, square it, multiply it by one-quarter and raise that to the power e.
One of the initial things that Keyes found is that there was as much as a ten-fold difference in rates of coronary disease.
It does show that people possess these stereotypes that make a difference in their real-world behavior.
This was eventually taken out, and actually just for your interest, there was no overlap between the time when cocaine was in Coca Cola and lithium was in 7-Up, so there was a few years difference between those two times, but it's amazing to think about what does go into processed foods.
Another category of difference would be religious believers versus non-believers, non-members of the community. In some religious traditions, ideas of caste and social location make certain people very different in terms of the understanding of human equality.
But, when you move from lending money to the government -either short-term with bills or longer term with bonds -to investing in the equity market, there's a stunning difference in terms of the returns.
the winner is the person whose number is closest to 2/3 times the average The winner will win $5 minus the difference in pennies between her choice and that two-thirds of the average."
I take the difference in the x-values, squared, the difference in the y-values, squared, add them up, take the square root of that.
Just as I foreshadowed, if you look at the difference between the first and third quartile in the bond market -these are active returns over a ten-year period again ending June 30,2005 -and the fixed income market, the difference between first and third quartile is a half a percent per annum.
如我之前所示,如果观察,债券市场中的第一和第三个四分位数,四分位数即统计学中,把所有数值由小到大排列并分成四等份三个分割点位置分别就是三个四分位数 考虑十年期的主动型的收益,截止于2005年6月30日,在债券这个固定收益市场,第一和第三个四分位数,每年只差0.5%
A lot of journals do blind reviewing now because of the evidence I talked about before regarding sexual stereotypes, that whether it has a male name or a female name makes a difference. So those are not-- those are group level in that they're not saying, "You get rid of your prejudices by trying harder."
All right, so one thing that I first want to point outabout MO theory that is a big difference from Lewis structures, is that in MO theory valence electrons are de-localized over the entire molecule.
E to the power of minus one-quarter times the difference in electronegativity squared.
So 90% of your portfolio is in domestic marketable securities and only 10% is invested in things like real estate or venture capital or private equity -hardly enough to make a difference in terms of the portfolios returns.
The other main difference that we're really going to get to today is that in multi-electron atoms, orbital energies depend not just on the shell, which is what we saw before, not just on the value of n, but also on the angular momentum quantum l number. So they also depend on the sub-shell or l.