Adiabatic meaning there's no heat involved, and we're going to see how that differs from the isothermal expansion and compression.
how it differs from how we practice it here.
Then we'll move on to talking about the binding energies, and we'll specifically talk about how that differs from the binding energies we saw of hydrogen atoms.
Can you give me, say, three or four reasons why what we're about to hear differs from what we just heard?
I can't know it except by the way in which it differs from everything that surrounds it.
But Aristotle's mixed constitution differs from ours still in certain important respects.
So here's where C differs from some language that you might be familiar with and from languages that you'll see later in the course, JavaScript like PHP and JavaScript.
Licensing differs from censorship in some important ways.
We can begin to see it is clear how Aristotle's best regime differs from Plato's intransigent demand for the rule of philosopher-kings.
In the interest of time, I'm going to skip over a few other passages that I was going to read to you in reinforcement of this insistence, on de Man's part, that literature differs from other forms of discourse, the remaining question being: literature differs from other forms of discourse how?
If you are expressing an opinion, in other words, which differs radically from my own, I can't understand, according to Gadamer, whether or not you're being ironic.
Now the theatrical form of the mask differs in a number of ways from the more familiar dramatic form of the play, with which we're all obviously much more comfortable with.
And the point that I also want to make is the way that they differ, z effective actually differs from the total charge in the nucleus due to an idea called shielding.