There may even be people here who distinguished themselves because they starred in Romeo and Juliet. Or, maybe they produced.
Ritual impurity, which is generally permitted, is distinguished by the characteristics I've quickly jotted down here.
Now, at the start, I distinguished two claims people might have in mind when they say, "Nobody believes they're going to die."
When traveling abroad, he refused the fancy lodgings that were reserved for such distinguished visitors.
Having distinguished two, and only two, kinds of regimes, republics and principalities, as the only ones worth mentioning, he goes on to distinguish two kinds of principalities.
Joshua Bolten had a long and distinguished career in the Bush White House.
In 1852, around that time, this might have been the first course that was offered in engineering in the country: it was taught at Yale in civil engineering in 1852 even Yale students don't know this; what a long, distinguished history of engineering that their own institution has.
We've distinguished three different views as to the secret or key to personal identity across time.
A creature is required who is distinguished in certain ways from other animals.
The question whether or not you believe you're going to die needs to be distinguished.
How are humans distinguished from other animals?
That is, you're dead as a person. Previously, we distinguished between the death of my body and my death as a person; let's focus on my death as a person.
having distinguished between what we've called the death of the body and the death of the person, the question whether or not you're going to die needs to be distinguished.
And if we had more time we could spell out rival theories of well-being, which could be interestingly distinguished one from another in terms of how they answer the question, ?" "What's missing from the experience machine?"
You are an educator, as Dean of one of the most distinguished schools of Public And International Affairs, and one of the prominent universities in America or in the world, what is your sense of the students that you teach and train?