So, as I say, at first glance you might think to get clear on the answer, "Do I or might I or could I survive my death?"
It would be thought they were not behaving very well, but they would have been as I say, perfectly within every right you can imagine to do that.
To say it's natural for us to do so is not to say we engage in political life spontaneously and avidly, as you might say spiders spin webs or ants build anthills.
As such, it shouldn't be any surprise to you that what I'm going to do as we run through each of these arguments is to say, "I'm not convinced by it and here's why."
For a driver, for instance, when I ask you to rank how good you are as a driver, what people often do is they think--they say, "I'm better than average," but what they do is they focus on one aspect of their driving.
Think of that, that where the law is silent, we have the freedom to do or not to do as we choose, very important to the way we think of liberty today in a modern and you might say liberal democracy.
How do I give up my right to do whatever is in my power to secure my person or my possessions, when I have no expectation, you might say, ? that others around me are prepared to do so as well?