It literally halves the amount of time it takes to solve that problem but we can actually do better.
I would love for the economy to do better for us to be able to sell the house and, you know, get out from under it.
Right, if nobody stands, each and every possible candidate would do better individually, so any particular voter would do better standing.
By the way, if you think I am judging you, I'm not. I am determined to do better.
How could we do better? Let me set the stage.
And so this begs the question, even in the context of these cups, how can we possibly do better if at the end of the day in order to figure out if two cups or if two people or if two ints inside of an array are bigger or smaller than one another it feels like we have to do this comparison work anyway.
But we can do better than that.
Depending on where the assets expected returns are and the assets' standard deviations, we can see that we might be able to do better than--have a lower variance than either asset.
And actually keep going to do better for myself.
And then, if we were to appeal to something nonphysical, we would do a better job of explaining.
Are Aristotle's views on democracy correct here in his analysis? Do in fact many chefs make ? for a better dinner than a single chef?
You'd better care about military things more than you do.
An animal who has evolved a brain that says, "Take care of your offspring" will do much better from a natural selection point of view from an animal who has evolved a brain that says, "Eat your offspring."
And what struck me most about conversations that I had, either in Leverett or other houses, were students is their sense of mission,your sense of mission, your desire to do good, to make the world a better place.
So, here's just one more case where Yale helped to straighten out the but you notice it wasn't done by a Yale faculty member, we engage in confusing the world, but our alumni do a much better job and that's what happened here.
因此 这只是耶鲁帮助人们,正确看待世界的又一个实例罢了,但要注意,这并不是耶鲁的教员做的,我们仍然在一个困扰的世界奔波,但我们的毕业生们做得更好,就是这样
So basically, what he wants us to do is redesign this and produce something better and then possibly patent that.