It's totally legit to cull a function, get back a value, do nothing with it other than compare it to another value.
Whereas at home, I kind of like, just stay at home and do nothing, yeah.
All of the self-discipline and all of the self-denial in the world can do nothing -- this seems to be one of the implications of this poem - can do nothing to protect the poet from an untimely death.
Do nothing, close your loop and then down here do something.
Without emotions to drive us we would do nothing at all.
It'll do nothing for your grade.
But Russia itself has no worse loss for the United States right now could find ways to keep us so tight down in the Middle East for a decade that we could do nothing else.
Among the things Socrates says he cares deeply about is his calling, as he puts it, to do nothing but persuade you both younger and older not to care for your bodies and money but how your soul will be in the best possible condition.
This is The Life You Can Save, which essentially gives the lie to the idea that there is nothing I can do.
Well--okay. This has nothing to do with the text, we say, and yet at the same time suppose it did.
They have nothing to do with each other, they do not have a community, and they do not have a society.
You can imagine what you get: each hours worth of drama, if you like, may be great, but it may have absolutely nothing to do with the other twelve hours.
They have nothing to do with the cells that are on your head, the hairs on your head. These are modified neurons.
So, basically what he's saying here is we pretty much understand what's going on there's nothing new to really discover, all we need to do is measure things more precisely.
Far from it. It's not about saying, "Well I'm depressed. There's nothing I can do about it.
Having said that, there's really nothing so dead as The Norton Anthology,or ponderous, and I do order it with a little--well, some misgivings for that.