• Now Isaac Newton and/or Joseph Raphson figured out how to do this kind of thing for all differentiable functions.


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  • I drove out here with another friend of mine who actually has the same job that I do,


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  • We're running out of time, do you have any last words of wisdom for those folks that are listening or watching?


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  • Everyone has figured that out in terms of technology and product, but we thought we could do a better job.


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  • What do you hope to get out of this besides ? satisfying interests of the course which is a legitimate concern?


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  • What I have now is the following: I can write expressions, do combinations of things to get out values, I can store them away, I can print them up.


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  • It's a good sort of question that gets raised in such a problematic allusion: how do you set out to write an original poem within such a conventional genre like the epic?


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  • And the last thing we do for any of our structures to check them and figure out are these valid or not valid, are these good Lewis structures is to check the formal charge.


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  • These are just a few things that we've accomplished, but there are lots and lots of ideas and lots of branching out that any teacher could do.


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  • It doesn't do anything but at least that's one bite out of this problem.


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  • And that you can't do, because in the real world of course Shelly and Kagan pick out just two different names of this very same thing.


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  • None of these do we have vaccines for, and it's turned out that sexually transmitted diseases for a variety of reasons, we'll come back to later, are particularly difficult to develop vaccines for.


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  • He points out that the knowledge of how to do this, of how to grow the kind of grapes you want, viticulture, and also arboriculture, both of these, are learned from Asia.


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  • They would rather lose - because they're sort of screwing around than- they could put out their best game and they would do better, but they might lose anyone given its, sort of, randomness.


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  • How do we get out of it? This is of course for much of the book. What do we do to get out of this state of nature to enter ? a condition of civil society and civilized life?


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  • Now what I'd like to do is something that you'll probably cut out because of copyright issues but it's a kind of fun warm-up anyway, so we're going to go ahead and do this and then we'll actually start.


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