It's the sage and serious doctrine of virginity that concludes the speech. It's clear that something's happened between 1634 and 1637.
Roman doctrine, of course, had prized the state of celibacy, insisting that it was the superior state over marriage.
Hobbes in the Hobbesian doctrine of sovereignty, or the Hobbesian sovereign, to have a complete monopoly of power within his given territory.
It's a doctrine that can be found in every religion and in most philosophical systems throughout history.
Although pro-slavery writers will become deeply contemptuous of Natural Law of Natural Law doctrine as it can be applied to the possibilities of man.
As for Jeremy Bentham, who launched utilitarianism as a doctrine in moral and legal philosophy, 85 Bentham died in 1832 at the age of 85.
That is more a witness bearing than any of the doctrine correcting.
He says that he is a fool; I'm sorry, he tells this fable of the hawk and the nightingale, which illustrates really the doctrine of might over right.
Is it possible to say that she successfully conveys a moral program that we can any way identify as the official doctrine of the mask?
They were excluded because they taught a doctrine that other Christians thought was heretical and not accurate.
The focus of the Nativity Ode isn't even really on the Incarnation that's the theological doctrine of divinity's descent into humanity, how God becomes a mortal.
This was a doctrine that Hobbes attributes to many of the teaching, much of the teaching at the universities of his age.
We tend to think of the separation of powers doctrine as necessary for the security and liberty of the individual ? don't we?
But look at the end of the passage that I've just read, a few lines down. The doctrine that the Lady wishes to advance suddenly seems so absolutely not to be a doctrine of married chastity.
That belief is a religious doctrine of a much later age.
So the emperors would try to call together councils to get them to agree on things. To get them to agree on doctrine, to get them to agree on the canon.
For Hobbes, Aristotle taught the dangerous doctrine of republican government that was seen to be practiced particularly during the Cromwellian Period in England, during the civil war.
The doctrine of progress I'm simply saying has always bred its contradictions.
So what is the doctrine ? of the philosopher-king intended to prove?
This is sometimes known as the doctrine of legal positivism, which is to say that law is the command of the sovereign, a sort of command theory of law.
Interestingly, she refuses to unfold for her audience the sage and serious doctrine of virginity, but she does anticipate what that doctrine of virginity would look like if she were to unfold it.
For one thing, it's a profoundly unscientific doctrine.
Hesiod says that this is the wrong doctrine.
The Doctrine of the Trinity.