I mean, hypothetically a bond trading at $.60 on the dollar with an 8% coupon, five-year bond that's yielding about 18%.
and I think it's worth it for the extra dollar or the extra fifty cents to buy the nicer brand.
We would know as a fact that George Washington threw a silver dollar across the Rappahannock River, except that it's impossible.
But now this dropping of the value of the dollar is one thing that's been helping to correct the trade deficit.
After 1933 we had lost our moorings; there was no longer any idea that the dollar was backed by anything.
The irony is--these things cost like a dollar each now because no one needs them anymore.
Okay, so this is a five-dollar note and I'm going to put it--sorry about that again-- I'm going to put it in an envelope.
And what it involves is placing a value, usually a dollar value, to stand for utility on the costs and the benefits of various proposals.
And I feel better about helping people that way than giving a dollar to somebody on the street,
I went to see a rich girl I knew. In the morning she pulled a hundred-dollar bill out of her silk stocking and said, "You've been talking of a trip to Frisco. That being the case, take this and go have your fun." So all of my problems were solved.
It turns out that the group that had--were paid a dollar rated the task as much more fun than the group given twenty dollars.
It's not a million-dollar question.
The only thing worth more than the slaves in the American economy of the 1850s was the land itself, and no one can really put a dollar value on all of the land of North America.
and I thought that was funny so I rolled down my window and gave him a dollar.
In reality, he was just happy working on a ranch and making a dollar a day.
Like, the dollar currency is very low compared to the Swedish crown right now,