We have one, two, we have four bonding domains.
And, we have two non-bonding domains.
And it focuses on the theory and the application of positive psychology in various professional domains.
We introduce throughout this semester real world problem domains.
And this is one of the more interesting sub domains of social psychology.
Part of being an absolute ruler is being able to levy taxes against those people who have the joy or the extreme misfortune of living in those domains, and more about that later.
This region in here contained the bonding domains.
Right, and the non-bonding electrons are non-bonding domains.
We have two bonding domains.
And that these mechanisms apply across all domains and across all species.
Economics and Game Theory are now essential tools for understanding human thought and human behavior— those issues connecting to philosophy, computer science, anthropology, literature, theology, and many, many other domains.
And this is true in all sorts of domains in the social world, in the economic world, in the political world and it's true as well in the physical world.
2 non-bonding domains.
We've already done this to some extent with domains such as visual perception, memory, language and rationality, but now we're going to move to the case where it's maybe even somewhat more difficult to do this.
The finding is that if your race or your group has a negative stereotype associated with it in any particular domain, being reminded of it serves as a stereotype threat and hence damages your performance in all sorts of domains.
In a normal, productive, healthy, happy environment, people don't scream at you about how bad you're doing but they compliment how good you are and that could lead to an inflated self-esteem on the part of people in certain domains.
What happens in Russia is what happens in Prussia, as well, and in other parts of Eastern Europe, particularly in the Hapsburg domains--you have, to make a very bad pun, a resurfacing of the region by people forced into serf contracts.
So for example, when we're talking about the rights of men and women and what they should be allowed to do, many people in our society following an ethics of autonomy will argue that they should have equal rights in all domains of behavior.