Now as soon as we start talking about things like the dominant, we are also aware of the evanescence of dominance.
In other words, once you start thinking about the evanescence of dominance, you're also thinking about literary history.
I gave you the definition of strict dominance last time and it's also in the handout.
And, one of the reasons why the role of the dominance of Paris is so great is precisely because of the centralization of the French state.
By combining elements as it were of the few and the many polity is characterized by the dominance of the middle class the middle group.
It's Darwinian science and it's very interesting that Darwin, as much as Marx, is all about struggle: the struggle for survival, the struggle for dominance.
Now, in fact, that's as far as we can get with dominance arguments in this particular game, but nevertheless, let's just stick with it a second.
Beta is better against Beta. There's no dominance going on here.
Therefore he says avoids dominance by either extreme.
Notice the importance -and we'll come back to it-- of the word "dominant": "the dominant" in the thinking of the Russian formalists and the struggle for dominance among species in a habitat.
What other people call content is a device like any other, and it engages in the struggle for dominance with all the other devices that one can identify as aspects of literature."