So by thinking about my opponent, by putting myself in my opponent's shoes, I realize that she has a dominant strategy, Alpha.
On the other hand, we've just argued that you don't have a dominant strategy here; it's not the case that easy dominates hard.
We had acknowledged that Alpha is a dominant strategy for my opponent so we must choose based upon, or knowing that my partner is going to choose Alpha.
All right, so this gentleman is saying... There's no dominant strategy so - Right, so this gentleman's saying, a good reason for choosing Alpha in this game is it's less risky.
很好,他说,这里没有优势策略 所以,没错,他说,选α是因为这样做风险更小
It's the dominant strategy. Good.
It's easy to spot when a strategy is dominant, more or less.
So rational choice in this case, people not choosing a dominated strategy; people choosing a dominant rational choice can lead to outcomes that - what do Americans call this?--that "Suck."