what would it mean to read this letter out loud in a community, not alone in your dorm room,or just by yourself,in the library?
If you're at home, you'll do it with your family, now you're in university, where do I do it, who do I go and eat with, I might be by myself at my dorm room.
What would you like to happen if you're sharing a dorm room?
For example, the thermostat in your dorm room.
And if the other guy does tidy up, hey the room's clean, Who cares? So either way, you're not going to tidy up and you end up with a typical Yale dorm room.
So I'm just guessing, having been in a few of these things over the years, that by the end of the semester, or certainly by the end of the school year, the state of the average Yale dorm room is quite disgusting.
Maybe you don't control thermostats in your dorm room, some of you do and some of you don't probably, and maybe it doesn't work very well so it might not be a good example, but imagine a perfect thermostat that you set for a temperature and then the temperature stays the same inside the room no matter what the temperature is outside.