Doesn't respond as well to killed vaccines, and that's why the Salk vaccine has to be injected at a high dose.
So, even if the cost is small, $10 a dose, it quickly amounts to a large amount of money.
Dose growth and development depend on secutiry as many many have said?
And of the three, whom dose the press still listen to ?
Give enough of the vaccine so you have a dose for everybody in the world, or a large fraction of the people.
If you or I buy it, it costs $51 per dose, you need three doses to be effective.
I didn't have the commercial price for the chickenpox vaccine called Varivax but you can imagine that it's even more than $50 a dose for that one.
Well, we have to start but with a dose of humility.
Now, the polio vaccine that Salk produced was very effective, but it required a fairly large dose of the vaccine and it had to be injected into the arms of children.
Each White House dose very differently.
So controlling the dose is really important and that's going to turn out to be very important in cancer therapy because these are very potent drugs that will have bad effects in other sites and you want to localize them where they want, so we're going to talk about that.
Now, if I was a person that was designing a vaccine and I noticed that this was the response that it got, that antibodies were produced, they reached some intermediate level, they started to fall, I would say, "Well I haven't stimulated the immune system enough, let me re-boost, let me give another dose of antigen."