Typically, that is granted and they can then do it, but they are of course humbling themselves by making the request and coming down under the orders of the winners and taking their dead away and being buried.
That tells you something about the physical chemistry of the molecule; that it's these hydrogen bonds that hold the double strands and I can break those down under certain conditions.
For example, suppose you use vertical motion and you use y instead of x; and a would be g or -g; that's a particle falling down under the affect of gravity.
例如,假设在竖直运动中,你用 y 来代替 x,那么 a 就是 g 或者 -g,这就是一个受重力作用下落的质点
So in the years just before 1637, the English court under James I and then later under Charles I -the English crown had been cracking down on the delivery of Puritan sermons in the church.