You are not dreaming right now, unless you're asleep but if you're-- and you can't usually be immoral in a dream.
the department show was a new play called "I Dream of Chang and Eng,"
And a turbo-prof is somebody who lives in Paris, and whose dream is to teach at Paris, particularly at Paris I.
A man who does not exist, a man who is but a dream."
And the great theologians and philosophers like Augustine wondered about this, can you sin in a dream?
It's a dream of changing the tradition, of having that individual voice added to the tradition, to have it become part of the official heritage and yet at odds with it, casting a different light back.
Julian Barnes This is the sort of thing that Julian Barnes basically imagines in the chapter "The Dream" that I had you take a look at.
You really have, therefore, for in some way the first time in history, a dream of making all of his empire basically universal, a dream of a universal vision, for one world, under one kind of culture, one kind of language.
If we can't take the city, we ought to go home and there's a lot of spirit that says we ought to go home. And so a dream comes to Agamemnon.
It is wrong expectation to expect that getting into a certain place, getting a raise, finding our dream partner, is responsible for our happiness.
Maybe it's all of a dream anyway.
When I read the papers in the morning m in a bad dream.
It's like a dream to go to Paris.
The ambition in some ways to unite philosophy and politics has been a recurring dream of political philosophy ever since Plato.
The art of dream interpretation places a very important role in this story, And dream interpretation was a developed science, Particularly in Egypt, and the other parts of Mesopotamia, but the Egyptians were known in the ancient world as dream interpreters.
He believed that dreams had a manifest content, meaning; "manifest" meaning what you experience in your dream.