To drink from this river would allow the fallen angels to forget their fallen state, to forget the fact of their fallen-ness from their more blissful former condition.
And you say, " "Oh, thank God. Don't open the envelope," and you drink the milkshake, disregarding the facts.
So if Pepsi is the low price drink in the market then no Coke is sold at all.
The barista uses caffeinated coffee in the drink instead of decaf, doesn't tell anybody, doesn't tell me.
But sometimes he would drink a lot and eat a lot because he just needed to relax.
但是有时候他也汹酒 暴饮暴食,因为他也需要放松
So, I insist, no talking. Please, no food or drink.
And, in a sense, one could say maybe this is not Plato's last word, I mean why does Socrates choose to stay and drink the hemlock?
Usually this happens between men and women, so a man will give Richard a drink and pay him a few pennies to go to a woman in the bar and repeat certain things that he has trained Richard to say.
Well you know when you walk past those soft drink machines you're being marketed to even if you don't buy it because it's that big colorful thing that stands out.
Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.
Well, they weren't ignorant undergraduates, but beyond that they drank wine, not those barbarian liquids that you drink, and also they mixed that wine with water, so that it shouldn't get them drunk too fast.
We take in a lot of food and water everyday, every year, and yet most of us our weight stays remarkably stable over that period of time for adults despite how much we eat and how much we drink.
So if you want a real milk to drink, go to the cow and tell, "Give me fresh milk."
Do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me.' For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes."
And so very frequently, of a Friday evening or a Saturday evening, we'll sit around and drink beer with people of that kind and with remarkable opportunity for somebody like me, cuz I found that I was intrigued by what they were doing.
The rat did not eat or drink until it died.