So just keep in mind when you do see the chlorine in these drugs, it's very different from the acid chloride.
maybe they would be a drinker or they maybe would use drugs, or these different things.
Western countries, and especially the United States say, "We have a big pharmaceutical industry that develops new drugs.
We'll talk later about other kinds of vehicles when we talk about new methods for delivery of drugs.
Moreover, modern therapists, including some people who aren't psychoanalytically defined, will say, "Look. These drugs are all well and good " but what they do is they mask the symptoms."
The other pathway that I think is very promising is now to use stem cell generated cells in culture dishes to use them for high throughput drug screening now we can test thousands of different drugs without killing so many animals.
I see that, but I also see the drugs bringing them down, you know, it's horrible.
How many people know that three times a week physical exercise,30 minutes each time has the same effect ? as our most powerful psychiatric drugs?
The big Pharma hasn't really done research for years but then he married in the biotech area and therefore biotech companies aren't that well run but they spent a great deal in research for the large molecule drugs.
I just wanted to point out that although you see these chlorine atoms in these drugs, in fact, I don't think I've ever seen an acid chloride in a final pharmaceutical product or drug that we take, and the reason is because they're so reactive that you wouldn't want to have that in something you digest.
But then you notice in the corner that somebody is dealing drugs.
Lots of drugs and so it wasn't... you didn't go there.
Love and Other Drugs,
There's a whole class of antagonistic drugs that have been designed to influence your cardiovascular system.
You can't just start mass producing these drugs without paying a licensing fee."
We've identified many drugs that stimulate insulin receptors, for example, but they're not exactly insulin, and those can potentially be used as agonist type drugs.