And the paper's not due for a while and so forth.
He's been waiting and waiting for his season due so that he can ripen into a powerful Orphic poet.
Matt. - So Matt, for you, what bothers you is not the cannibalism but the lack of due process.
The title of the book, Stocks for the Long Run-- stocks always outperform other investments for the long run and he says it's not due to selection bias.
As I said, for every subsequent week of the class you'll be doing a concept sheet that will be your interpretation of what's going on, but we're going to do something a little bit different for the first concept sheet that's due next week.
Again, it's not paralysis, it's not blindness, but due to certain parts of your--of damaged parts of your brain, you might lose, for instance, the idea that there's a left side of your body or a left side of the world.
So, Thomson came up with a model for the atom due to this, and this is called the Plum Pudding model of the atom, and he was, as we said, English, so plum pudding is kind of a British food.
We did the comparison with the elephant or something; a is the second derivative of x and for this problem, when F is due to a spring, we know the force is that by studying the spring.
我们也已经把它与大象或其它东西作过比较,a 是 x 的二阶导数,在这个问题中,F 是由弹簧产生的,我们在讨论弹簧问题时已经知道了力的大小
Bitter constraint, and sad occasion dear, Compels me to disturb your season due: For Lycidas is dead, dead ere his prime... Milton is lamenting, once again, that Milton has been compelled to begin writing.
And then finally, as you know, the first concept sheet is due next week, and any of those who were here for the first time can go to the lecture notes for last week and it gives a detailed description of how to do the first concept sheet.