But this is a -- this raises a problem, that we'll see actually in just a moment having this duplication.
So the body theorist can avoid the problem of fission, avoid the problem of duplication by adding the no branching rule.
Okay, so we have-- there's a whole idea of octave duplication— sometimes six notes, sometimes five notes.
But eventually, they began to uniformly adopt this system of what's called "Octave duplication."
Is it really true that bodies don't face a duplication problem?
If we accept the body view,we avoid the duplication problem.
So, if it's a duplication of sound, let's duplicate the letters.
And the difficulty was basically the problem of duplication.
It avoids these problems of duplication and fission.
Eight is a duplication of one.
And every musical culture around the world-- and I've talked with ethnomusicologists about this particular point-- every musical culture around the world, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Indian, African whatever, they all use this phenomenon of octave duplication in their music-- octave duplication in the music.
So at the very same moment that positing the nonsplitting of souls seems to solve the fission problem of duplication, it yanks the rug out from underneath the soul theorist by undermining one of the types of arguments for believing in the soul in the first place.
What we've done is taken this pitch and played it all the way down an octave below it so we're actually getting back to this configuration of the pitch right next to it, and we could--then of course we could go down one more step and we would get the octave, which is a duplication of two-to-one.