For instance, there's 5000 taco trucks in Los Angeles and 300 people a day go to each one of those.
And we learn about the maternal grandparents, the paternal grandparents, and the brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, and what each one of them did.
The second one is, you're terrific, you are better than average in every possible way, each one of you.
You then denature again, each one of these strands gets separated, primers bind, turn on the polymerase, a new strand is made.
No. I mean, there are reasonable philosophical or scientific grounds for worrying about each one of the premises.
And one thing that Einstein put forth is he figured if well, what we're saying is that light is, in fact, a stream of particles, each one of those particles or photons must, therefore, have a momentum.
If it was a twenty-year bond, there would be forty coupons, one for each six-month period, and each one would have a date on it.
The atoms are the same in each one.
That's one, and we could show you dozens and dozens of these sort of things, and we will over the course of the class; each one of them very interesting.
Not ignore the universal within each one of us.
And what's fallen out when we do that, because in each case, one of the first derivatives gives us the entropy.
All of these systems we can call "languages," and "language"--that is to say, the words that we use when we speak to each other is one of those systems.
But what the Greeks spent most of their time doing was fighting each other, one hoplite phalanx against another hoplite phalanx.
And if you think about it, associated with each - one of those data types is a set of functions it's intended to apply to.
But each time the one convinces the other to be forbearing.
And talk about it and describe it to you along each one of the five dimensions we've laid out in the beginning.