Sometimes we might just directly tell you that's probably the easiest scenario, because when we think about work functions those are usually reported in energy.
Well, that's pretty difficult. It, you know, I think it's easiest to do that in sort of an informal way.
One of the perhaps easiest ones to put your finger on is what if the computer is out of memory?
You might put it this way as sort of the easiest version of this kind of argument, for our purposes.
Actually the easiest way is probably to bring this down here.
Acceleration is the easiest thing to measure of these three quantities.
Whatever is the easiest.
So how did you settle disputes when they fight and disagree, say, Executive Secretary Rumesfeld, who is a fellow Princetonian both went to Princeton, but he wouldn't be the easiest person to deal with.
comes from flawed reports of what people eat, because in order to know what people eat you have to ask them, and even if people are really trying hard to be truthful, it's not the easiest thing to do.
If you stop and think of it as a grammatical question, you say to yourself, "Gee, that's a very good question, isn't it, because, of course, the easiest thing in the world is to tell the dancer from the dance.
And that's, you know, saying a lot of words, let's do an example because it's probably easiest to see this by looking at a specific example.
Easiest to find them in embryos but sometimes they can be found in adult organisms as well.
And zoom on the easiest question for you, that way two things happen.
The bond markets,in general, and the high-quality bonds in particular are probably easiest to value.
For some they'll be the easiest.
And the "Have you" pattern is probably the easiest way to find out anything about anyone you speak with.
Have you”句型可能是一种最简单地了解你谈话对象任何一件事的方式。
There's a whole bunch of blocks that we'll look at in more fun detail on Friday but I'm going to pick the easiest one here and I'm going to type Hello CS50 in this string, "Hello CS50", zooming in say how nice the puzzle pieces are nicely interlocked?
This is the easiest question all day, what is the bond angle between all of these?
I told you, the way I'm going to teach any subject is going to start with the easiest example and lull you into some kind of security and then slowly increase the difficulty.
The easiest way to look at this is just to do an example.
I don't put hardest first, easiest first.
I think the easiest way to look at what this does, is let's take a really simple example- I want to make sure I put the right things out- I've got a simple little list of values there.
So if you think of a shell, you can actually just think of an egg shell, that's probably the easiest way to think of it, where the yolk, if you really maybe make it a lot smaller might be the nucleus.
That's certainly one way to do it, but for computers that's not necessarily the easiest way. So another way of solving it is to do something we already saw last time, which is basically, why not simply enumerate all possible examples and check them?