The epic also explains and mirrors the rise of Babel as one of the great cities in the Ancient Near East.
So I have been in places from California to Florida to out east in Massachusetts, to pretty much everything in between.
They participated at the very earliest stages in the wider religious and cultic culture of the Ancient Near East.
Why? This is not a Greek tradition, but it's very much a tradition in the East for kings to be considered by their people to be gods.
But we went to 17 destinations in the Middle East and in Europe and in Scandinavia.
So, let's look, Act II Scene II. You remember this, Romeo: "but soft, what light through yonder window breaks. It is the east, and Juliet is the sun."
Then we turn to the island of Euboea, that long island that's right next to the east coast of Attica, Euboea.
That's right. Louisiana Slim he's sometimes called. Yes, Sir. I sure have met Big Slim. And he used to work in the east Texas oil fields?"
Middle east oil is critical to the rise of India and China, and in that sense it's very much part of the economic process.
Can't complain when the whole North East on the other side of the country is getting piled with snow.
And that's used in a lot of Far East cultures— the pentatonic scale, just a five-note scale there.
The Dutch economy, the equivalent would be the decline of the Venetian economic power in the Mediterranean-- and trade with the East diminishes.
There are a lot more districts in the East Coast of the U.S.than the West Coast.
A market on the East Coast if they were in upstate New York, or out in Ohio eventually, and a market of the whole world.
because it helped me transition more easily than if I were just, you know, thrown into the East Coast,
The plant based economies began in the Middle East and then they spread to the rest of the world.