Just about every culture uses some sort of utensils to eat food with, a knife and a fork, chopsticks, a spoon.
And things are a lot more expensive so we're spending a lot more money on food just to eat.
Now the first the eat food: well he has a long discussion, and as you'll know from the book, about what is food?
to the process whereby the heavenly angels not only eat food but they also digest it; and Milton lets us know, whether we want to know or not, how those angels actually excrete the food they have taken in.
I don't think it's a 100% lifestyle 'cause there are some people who, they just eat raw food.
I don't want to go out to eat every night, you know. I just want home cooked food.
Why do you go to school?, "To have friends or to eat good food." you know.
Not just eat their food, not just listening, you have to practice with them. So,
We remember the fish that we used to eat free in Egypt Okay, we were slaves, but the food was free, you know?
So, one of the bizarre side effects is some people with Ambien while sleeping go downstairs, open up their refrigerator and eat huge amounts of food.
We have to go out and eat the gourmet food to enjoy it.
Here you see the main concern is what's happening with blood sugar when people eat food.
So first, you might say, well food is something that's found in nature, that humans have evolved to eat foods that are found in nature.
It means that we want to eat when there's food around, and it doesn't matter so much whether we're really hungry.
Well it doesn't have to go out and search for food, it's right there, it can eat whatever it wants, whenever it wants.
Some people eat for comfort, some people get enormous psychological gratification from food, other people couldn't care less-- they have to be reminded to eat.