So now, the enzyme is locked up with being built, and the penicillin has effectively killed the bacteria.
We've used these effectively to build our electronic systems and our blogs and all of these companies that we're building.
Because both of the things are beyond the scope of people to either really effectively to describe or in any way to control.
The result of literate population is not only people can read, to utilize tools effectively, to go through their environment.
We'll actually see it's a wonderful way of effectively looping yourself back around, for instance if you're at the end of the alphabet So what about those variables?
Because it represents foreigners investing in United States and that generates rates of return that effectively can generate that growth.
You need to make your case succinctly and effectively, but you always get a hearing including me.
And says, OK, that effectively means that the market is memoryless.
It does represent the sum, in the sense that if i gave you four bucks and I gave you five bucks, I gave you effectively nine.
So you know, what the second law is doing, in other words, it's putting these restrictions on how well or how effectively we can convert heat into work in the case of the engine, or work into heat extracted in the case of a refrigerator.
Because it's passed by-- can be passed by an oral route it's a disease that's very effectively transmitted in school settings where children are together, or childcare settings.
If Player 2 is producing nothing, then what is Player 1 effectively?
A minority government of revolutionary Puritans had effectively taken control of the state. The radical Puritan Parliament voted to execute the tyrant -- what they considered to be the tyrant, King Charles I -- and to establish its own government.
A number of men, as one historian has written, I think quite effectively, "Mounted from log cabin to mansion" and I quote "On a stairway of cotton bales accumulating slaves as they went."
With the goal as the best as the possible was to make Some inferences about learning outcomes, And how will the teachers use the materials to effectively help the students learn.
We need to choose the one or two that are really going to drive and sustain the network and the service and the product As an editor, I am effectively just the chief editor of the company.