And in practical terms, we can define the efficiency as the ratio of the heat in to the work out.
In principle, this value, this efficiency, can approach 1 as the low temperature approaches absolute zero.
But the things we were trying to stress were that it's an important design decision when you are coming up with a piece of code, as to what kind of efficiency your code has.
Now, we concluded last week at looking at sorts and efficiency, some new notation called asymptotic notation and we'll continue that story today.
If the vehicle in the unfortunate circumstances of a collision, has to be able to maintain the security of the hydrogen which means more mass, which means a lot of the efficiency is being squandered What's the environmental impact of hydrogen production?
People do that with differing levels of efficiency.
And so instead of defining efficiency the way you've got it written there, I'm going to define what's called something different for a refrigerator which is called the coefficient of performance.
So that means we can rewrite this efficiency.
As long as it's reversible, you know what the efficiency has to be, and in principle, you could break it down into a bunch of steps that you could formulate as isothermal and adiabatic.
Now, let's just look at our efficiency.
Now. It's a quick sidebar, I've got to say, I'm sure talking about efficiency to folks like you probably seems really strange.
And I just want to write those because what I really want to get at is what's the efficiency of the whole thing?
I mean, you grew up in an age when computers were blazingly fast, and have tons of memory, so why in the world do you care about efficiency?
We've formulated one particular kind of engine, and seen how we can analyze what it does, come up with relations that seem of value for efficiency and other quantities.
So we're not going to turn you into an expert on computational efficiency.
Now, efficiency is obviously an important consideration when you're designing code, although I have to admit, at least for me, I usually want to at least start initially with code that works, and then worry about how I might go back and come up with more efficient implementation.
That's our expression for the efficiency.
We can figure out the efficiency.
So what this says is the efficiency of any reversible engine T1 has to be one minus T2 over T1.