The panting and happy reader, and there they spontaneously embrace and are linked forever if the book lasts forever.
Helen chose you without reason because she loves you without cause; embrace her without question and watch your weather change. Let go.
You may choose to embrace dualism, reject the idea that the brain is responsible for mental life, and reject the promise of a scientific psychology.
Milton can't allow himself to embrace the wonderful fiction, : that beautiful fiction that had been espoused by the Elder Brother: the fantasy that virgins don't even die, that their bodies are simply reconstituted somehow as angelic spirits.
They work so hard, they embrace, they are challenged.
Embrace the silence, the stillness.
And again, to move back and ask ourselves a larger question, would knowing how much time you have be something that would allow you to actually embrace those choices, ? or would it instead just be a burden?
He is so pinched and straightened in his environment that his leaving is more an avoidance than an embrace.
Alternatively, you might choose to embrace the scientific worldview and reject all these humanist values.
Embrace yourself, your emotions.
Experience, embrace stillness.
I don't know who came up with this statistic but I love it: nearly three out of every five lines in Paradise Lost are enjambed - they embrace the practice of enjambment. The meaning or the sense of a verse paragraph is diffused throughout a series of lines.
So, in some ways, you saw these models such as Dorothy Day and others whom you really embrace, You said, it seems to me that you said, "That's something that I can be.
His relationship with Paul Roberson here at Princeton, Einstein would embrace him, not that he would agree with everything, was so tied to working people's and poor people's.