So a third way has emerged in the last 20 years, or 15 years or so, and it's one that seeks to avoid this dichotomy between polytheism and monotheism.
Sometimes there were interesting little problems that emerged and one of those has to do with the use of chariots in warfare.
I think maybe the concluding lesson the central banks were institutions that emerged out of experience with bankers.
A related view is that sleep emerged to preserve energy and keep you out of trouble at night.
So, literally earlier today when I was on my way to campus I emerged from the Harvard Subway Station and I was about to exit the station up the stairs when I noticed this older woman who was standing by one of these things.
Maybe they emerged from within, rather than being established by peoples immigrating from without.
We also noticed something about the substance of the arguments that emerged from the discussion.
And that's what he did. And for the point of view of France, they emerged from the war with the reality that they are in victory a weaker nation than Germany is in defeat.
If a case of polio emerged in the community, the chances that it could spread to other children or to your child were high; so, great interest in this in the early part of this century.
如果在某个社区出现一例脊髓灰质炎患儿,那么你的孩子或者更多别的孩子,被传染的几率非常高,所以 二十世纪初的科学家们,热衷于研究脊髓灰质炎
It emerged into an institution in which banks would have notes bank notes-that circulated widely and we began to think of them as money.
It emerged from a unique history in which chance and accident often played a vital part.
Brooks emerged from his conscientious objection " to share in the gruesome bounty.
And here's... this was the cost-benefit analysis that emerged in the trial.
The first moral principle that emerged in the discussion said the right thing to do, the moral thing to do depends on the consequences that will result from your action.
These materials emerged over a period of centuries; that's clear.
The thing that really emerged just in the last week or so is that of course monetary policy is about setting of interest rates.