different buildings that are famous in New York like the Empire State, bridges, you know, the Brooklyn Bridge.
You see, in the previous empires, like the Assyrian Empire, or these kinds of-- the Egyptian Empire, when people conquered other peoples, often all they wanted was tribute.
So, Peter the Great, despite his dramatic expansion of the Russian empire, does not get this outlet on the Black Sea.
And,so,the patronage of the Empire is that he can provide railroads, he can provide money for things, and that further centralizes the state.
That border, excuse me, they are relics the British Empire are exiting in the minds of map-makers and politicians, not in the minds of people.
God was so afraid of us that He actually doubted His hold on His own empire, an empire that He was only actually able to maintain because of good luck or something like superior military firepower, but certainly nothing as grand and as absolute as omnipotence."
It spread out beyond Crete because the Minoans established what we might want to call an empire in various parts of the Mediterranean, and it starts with Crete.
The alternative to the city, the empire, can only be ruled despotically.
or any of the countries that used to be in the empire for exceedingly good charity work
There were always battles and wars going on, on the boundaries, the frontiers of the Roman Empire, but within the center of the empire there was an amazing period of peace.
Between the 1620s and the 1740s, the land of the Russian empire increases from 2.1 million square miles to 5.9 million square miles.
But most of the free citizens of the Roman Empire, - of Rome, were poor people-- free, and even citizens, but they were poor people who weren't part of any rich household.
So Roman slavery and the freedom of that was actually one way that a few people in the Ancient World recognized some kind of social mobility, which was very rare in the Roman Empire.
Only in the Roman Empire could slavery actually start being a way that you can move up in society, because you could-- if you were a talented slave, your owner might free you, probably would free you.
He and his family, the emperor's family, - was, in a sense, the patron for the whole people of the Roman Empire-- - at least for all the Romans-- the paterfamilias of the entire empire.
What Alexander had wanted to do was to take all these different peoples, who spoke different languages and had different customs, and use a Greek layer to sort of unite his empire overall.