And as you can see, the children were really encouraged, and they were also enthusiastic to read all of these books.
So people are very much encouraged to set up and work on their own.
Throughout the course, the people who nominated the students were encouraged to be good sponsors and to take an interest in their studies.
On the other hand there may be some other spaces that students would be encouraged to search for those who might have experiences unlike their own.
That ligand was one for which the cell had a receptor that further encouraged it to produce more of the ligand.
So they're optional, but they're very, very, very highly encouraged that you do these, because this is going to give you practice for the types of problems that are going to be on the exam.
The example, and the ideas it produced, encouraged and informed the French and the American revolutions, and the entire modern constitutional tradition.
So I always felt free, in fact, I felt encouraged when I had a disagreement to step forward and make my case.
So for Stanley Fish, Milton is always reminding us of our fallen-ness as readers and we're continually being encouraged to submit all of our uncertainties and all of our doubts to the power of faith.
And that's why I would've voted against the Constitution, I encouraged people to vote against the Constitution, and I know almost nobody, except professors in Paris and Lyon, who are for that Constitution that was defeated a year ago May twenty-ninth-- so,there.
So it's something that is openly encouraged to do that.
That also encouraged me to really write more and to really think about what is the story, how are people coming to this and like when I show my friends this, how are they going to react.
So we're encouraged to be more generous during the month of Ramadan. So we're trying to do some fund raising events and some community services and initiatives, things like that, just to help the community at large here.
So it's openly kind of encouraged that you do that.
PROFESSOR: All right, I'm hearing a little of both, but I'm very encouraged to hear quite a few people saying sigma.