This is the result, this is the fruit, of the hermeneutic engagement between horizons that results in meaning.
but you have a prior engagement and you really must be going, you can say,
We were built not just on religious freedom but on the idea of a positive engagement with religious diversity.
So, I have to say, I am very excited now to introduce you to Dr. Taylor, Taylor who I would be teaching with this semester -- limited engagement -- who will tell you about some of the course policies.
Usually it involves pieces of the infectious agent itself, to cause that engagement.
So gone through all of these dimensions, because I want you to make sure that you could understand that when you are creating an entire course or an entire educational engagement, it is very important to think about both the explicit and the implicit purposes.
Wow" is Dean's word. "Wow" is the kind of word that means nothing, but it suggests the immediacy of Dean's engagement.
I just say that in passing to call your attention to it as a risk that's involved in our engagement with a hermeneutic project of the nature of Gadamer's.
You could be asked to a party and perhaps you have another engagement.
He was killed on April 1st,1865,at the Battle of Five Oaks excuse me, at Five Forks, just west of Richmond, the last major engagement of the Civil War.
This work of pluralism, this work of engagement, this work of a positive interchange between religious communities. -Right.
Humility and power come from this religious engagement because from the best of our traditions to go out and engage in the world in a positive, constructive way.
And I was wondering just by way of introduction how do you think that conversation is best carried out, how does the office of campus life and it includes civic engagement, it includes athletics, it includes healthiness, -Yes.
But the majority of students will go through this active engagement in studio format.
The suggestion there is that one of the ways that we're God's servants and representatives on earth is to to a positive engagement of diversity.
So there's a lot of power in this, both engagement and both allowing students to get conceptual understandings of things that are very hard to understand and they're abstract.