Next time to the Enlightenment and some people whom you might not think of at first glance would seem terribly enlightened.
As Gadamer says, this is the characteristic idea of the Enlightenment: its prejudice against prejudice, that we can be objective, Okay, fine. But prejudice is bad, we know prejudice is bad.
White Southern defenders of slavery were to some extent like other Americans--products of the Enlightenment.
One of them would be the eighteenth-century enlightenment.
During the Enlightenment, the works of the philosophers that could not be published in France werepublished in Switzerland, more about that another time, and in the Netherlands.
Well, that's not the way it is with the modern world and that's not the way it comes out of the enlightenment, the individual is the ultimate.
Ah, thank you. Enlightenment from Lynda.
It involves a stone, a piece of lapis lazuli that has a kind of a flaw in it, which is like a "water-course," and where one can imagine a pilgrim climbing toward increased enlightenment.
The enlightenment, if you go back to its routes in the seventeenth century with the likes of Hobbes and Locke-- what is the ultimate place you go to?
Conservativism--deep organic forms of Conservativism is not antithetical to the Enlightenment, at least not entirely.
You can be a product of the Enlightenment and still be deeply conservative.
You can be a product of the Enlightenment, with a faith in reason, and not become a Romantic who begins to believe in the possibilities of man, or even the perfectibility of man.
They didn't say God because, of course, the Enlightenment thinkers were not so sure they believed in God, but they still seemed to believe in something they wanted to call a creator.