It simply means that one cannot enter the holy sanctuary, God's realm, when impure through contact with death or sexuality.
What do you think of donations being used to allow rich students to enter universities?
He's covering his head in a traditional religious fashion, so in order to enter this holy place he covers his head.
- And now temperature in Fahrenheit -- 212 all right, let's go ahead and pick an easy one like 212, Enter, and indeed equals 100 in Celsius.
To be in a state of purity simply means that one is qualified to contact the sacred: to enter the sacred precincts, to handle sacred objects, and so on.
It can't enter cells because it's too big and it's too water soluble so it can't go through cell membranes.
We have some students who enter on an athletic team and stay all four years with that team.
You notice what it did, it printed out that little, right up here I'd said enter a number and that's what it's printed out, so I can enter a number and it prints it out.
And what we know is that very often we enter a downward spiral, a vicious cycle when we go into this narrow and constrict mode.
We're going to ask everybody in this row whether they want to enter or not.
The narratable, in other words, must enter into a structure.
They don't give those up. We don't give those up when we enter government.
What the clicker is is a little device that will allow you to enter responses to questions that will then get entered into my computer and we can show immediate poll results from the class.
How do we get out of it? This is of course for much of the book. What do we do to get out of this state of nature to enter ? a condition of civil society and civilized life?
Do you think an undergraduate degree should be necessary to enter law school?
The women represent for Yeats a kind of self-destructive energy, and it's something he too, I think, is willing to share and enter into.