As early as the late seventeenth century, Milton had already entered what we can think of as the English literary canon.
You obeyed Israelite law and custom, you revered Israelite lore, you entered into the historical community of Israel by accepting that their fate and yours should be the same.
That's a term that first entered the English language sometime in the mid-nineteenth century, but of course the concept goes earlier.
Don't forget drinks, condiments, things you snack on and stuff, late night pizza of course would get entered and other things.
It's already entered a sort of metaphorical register, religious register, in the way this book is packaged.
And so, if this was a disease that entered your community, you could have expected several centuries ago.
That's why when we officially entered the recession or the challenging situation caused by the financial crisis, I keep asking myself, "What should we do?"
You know why focus on digital media were because in the wake of Columbine then we entered into a called period of moral panic, the moral panic is when you stop asking questions and start assuming you know the answers.
And after he graduated, he entered the service of an aristocratic family, the Cavandish family, where he became a private tutor to their son.
Just because they entered a powerful, positive situation, which goes against a lot of the stereotypes and prejudices that they encountered in the outside world.
But Barthes has entered a phase of his career in which you actually think that structures are so complex that they cease to be structures and that this has a great deal to do with the influence of deconstruction.
After the long sway of Theocritus' and Virgil's pastorals, ; of course Christianity entered the scene,a new dispensation; and Christianity began to load this pastoral literary tradition with its own set of associations.
But Pavlov observed that when somebody entered the room who typically gave him the food powder, the dog--the food powder saliva would start to come out.
John. -Had John entered, if I've counted correctly, let's pretend I have, John would actually have won this election because John is actually further to the center.
If that is so, we say "Poor Linda died " when she entered this spa." or you know "A week into the spa when " she dropped those 50 pounds."
Generally I can bear who is now Ambassodor said you need to have the engineers following 1 kilometers behind the troops when they entered to this areas to show the people that we were there, we were there to stay. That remains true.