Israel's past and present and future generations form a collective entity, Israel, that collectively assents to the covenant.
I'm asking is that the very same extended-through-time entity as the extended-through-time entity that I used to own. I wonder.
If I'm just dealing in preconceptions here, how can I take anything from the entity itself?"
That people would disappear as a distinctive entity, and in effect, that is what happened to the ten tribes of the northern kingdom to a large degree.
But what we will find is, it's more convenient to lump these two numbers into a single entity, which is called a vector.
Well you know what a point is, it's got an x- and a y- coordinate, it's natural to think about those two things as belonging as a single entity.
In a for-profit corporation, the purpose of the entity is defined as profit for the shareholders.
Behaviorism looks at the human entity, at the person as basically a collection of behaviors as a box, like a billiard ball knocked around by reinforcements, by punishment, by reward.
So we consider a text as a structured entity, or perhaps as an entity which is structured and yet at the same time that's the case with Roland Barthes.
Doesn't it follow that a soul, an immaterial entity, can't be destroyed by a material, physical process?
This idea that I don't really care, or that I don't really think I can come to terms with the actual meaning of an entity as that entity, is instrumentalizing the entity.
I'm going to give you a glass case and in the glass case is an entity with this as one kilogram, by definition.
我给你一个玻璃箱,箱子里放的东西刚好是 1 千克,这是根据定义的
I'm asking rather in pointing to the 2010 car stage I mean to be picking out an entire extended through time entity. The car.
We create an entity that, in the eyes of the law, is like an individual.
Right now, we want to study an entity which has no spatial extent.
Basically that the various arguements that might be offered for believing in souls don't seem very compelling upon examinations so there's no good reason to posit this extra entity.
But the complaint then, or the objection to the physicalist, takes the form that we couldn't be a merely physical entity because no merely physical entity could have free will.
Pick any two perpendicular directions Then the same entity, the same arrow which has an existence of its own, independent of axis, can be described by you and me using different numbers.
The same entity written in two different ways.
Well, there is no extra entity, the soul.
What kind of an entity is a person?
The idea, of course, is that we have a legal entity--a corporation-- that issues shares that are either given to people or purchased by people and the idea is that shares represent contributions.