• So now, the enzyme is locked up with being built, and the penicillin has effectively killed the bacteria.


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  • So, she is interested in how this molecule, gemcitabine, inhibits an enzyme. So, to do those studies, she needs to know a lot of the stuff on this list.


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  • They often involve networks of reactions, not just one enzyme but a series of enzymes that serve to amplify each other.


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  • Or you could ask the question, I have this restriction enzyme, at what regions on this plasmid will it cut?


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  • What a kinase enzyme does is that it recognizes this protein, and for example, the tyrosine that's on the protein.


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  • She needs to know this enzyme works by both acid base chemistry, and oxidation reduction.


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  • Of course, she needs to know the basic principles, but she's also talking about it an enzyme, so she needs to know about enzyme catalysis.


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  • In this case, this particular restriction enzyme cuts symmetrically like this, but not at the same point.


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  • This restriction enzyme was found in a natural source, it was found in a micro-organism called E.coli.


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  • So, that's kinetics -- how fast a reaction will go, and from the perspective of someone who's a biochemist, I'm interested in kinetics and enzyme kinetics, and thinking about molecules that catalyze reactions in the body.


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  • So, these are receptors, for example, that bind the ligand and then liberate an enzyme which promotes some sort of reaction inside the cell, often it's kinases but doesn't have to be.


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  • A reaction performed by one enzyme creates a product that stimulates another enzyme that creates a product, and stimulates another enzyme, and through this cascade of reactions you amplify and carry the signal forward.


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  • In some cells they're recycled, that is the cell is able to take up the neurotransmitter after it's released and restore it, but most often there are enzyme systems inside the pre-synaptic membrane where those neurotransmitters are synthesized.


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  • Another family is receptor tyrosine kinases, I'll show another picture in a moment that tells you more about what a kinase is, but a kinase is basically an enzyme that can add a phosphorous to another molecule.


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  • In this case, a receptor tyrosine kinase is a receptor molecule that binds a ligand at its surface outside the cell and initiates this enzyme activity - this kinase activity - and causes phosphorylation of another molecule.


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  • If that protein is an enzyme then you've and you've switched it from an 'off' position where it's not catalyzing a reaction to an 'on' position where it is, you've changed the biochemical state of the cell, you've changed the chemical reactions that can occur within the cell, and you've changed its behavior.


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  • You first separated your DNA, let the primers bind, then turn on the enzyme, and it makes copies of each one of these.


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