So that's a big help. And equilibrium happens when there isn't any possible change of state that would satisfy this.
So, these on-changing properties that describe the state of the equilibrium state of the system are called state variables.
And so the balance of the attractive term and the repulsive term eventually leads us to this situation where we have the equilibrium spacing.
This normal weight animal like this has its whole equilibrium thrown off, its homeostasis thrown off when its dietary conditions change.
Normally, we do these things to keep an equilibrium among the different systems of the unconscious, but sometimes it doesn't work.
Is that right? In this game, when we analyzed the game repeatedly, it seemed like our analysis converged towards the equilibrium.
So, that's a homogeneous system, one phase. You have to know if your system is an equilibrium system or not.
When you don't have to worry about criteria like that ordinary, mechanical energy rules supreme, and that's dictating where equilibrium lies.
In other words, if we don't have to worry about entropy or volume equilibrium is achieved when energy is at a minimum.
now you have this object which is going to tell you whether other things are in thermal equilibrium now.
Even though these best responses are pretty complicated it turns out that there's only one Nash Equilibrium in this game.
And in this game if they keep on doing that, it's going to drag them back to Nash Equilibrium.
Thermodynamicstalks about equilibrium systems and how to go from one state of equilibrium to another state of equilibrium.
And in the end, when it's at equilibrium, and you look and you'd make a measurement, right, you could do spectroscopy.
So the triple point is liquid solid, gas, all in equilibrium.
And the cause of some thermodynamics have even been applied to economics, systems out of equilibrium, like big companies like Enron, you know, completely out of equilibrium, crash and burn.
If I place my container of gas on the table here, and I come back an hour later, the pressure needs to be the same when I come back Otherwise it's not equilibrium.
If I stop, if I move slowly, if I move more slowly then these two will want equilibrium.
And so what I get is the energy of the system at the equilibrium separation is given by minus z plus.
Now we want to show a notation, how do we go from one equilibrium state like this describes to another equilibrium state?
If I've got a gas in a container, the pressure of the gas has to be the same everywhere in the container, otherwise it's not equilibrium.
So I just want to use that again and again, starting from that, for various different sorts of conditions andderive the criterion for equilibrium in each set of conditions.
And we reasoned that these two eventually reach some kind of an equilibrium separation which we are using lowercase r to represent.
and added a structure of math upon it, to build this edifice, which is a very solid edifice of thermodynamics as a science of equilibrium systems.
There's our condition for equilibrium at constant temperature and pressure.
It's obvious he's going to win this election, Just to ask the question, is this an equilibrium?
Now that's not always going to happen but it's kind of a nice feature about Nash Equilibrium.
The one that is at equilibrium, there is only one macroscopic state at equilibrium.
All right, well, there's our equilibrium criterion.
In other words, we need criteria for equilibrium under more general conditions than the ones that we've dealt with so far, than the one set of conditions that we've dealt with so far, which is isolated system.