Shakespeare in the theater seemed to represent a temptation greater even than promiscuous sex or perhaps akin to sex.
And I think the large British cast even increases the friends even more
Well, it's a God symbol. It's even got that typical children's book iconography of the curls and the white beard. Okay.
There may even be people here who distinguished themselves because they starred in Romeo and Juliet. Or, maybe they produced.
What do you think? Even with these glasses on, I can see no hands up, any suggestions? Somebody help me out.
In fact, he even claims -- and he does this explicitly in Areopagitica he even claims to be in favor of censorship in a number of cases.
But at the same time the Market Revolution is going to bring a certain sense of anxiety, even dread, even despair.
Even though a hard drive spins at 7200 times per minute or even faster, that's relatively slower than the speed of light.
But what's even worse is I'm going to get even less than the average amount of life.
And this law of nature constrains what we can do even though we are free, even though we are in the state of nature.
You can even misattribute phony arousal, arousal that isn't even coming from your body.
Even the characteristic thing in a polis, the agora, the marketplace,which also becomes the civic center of these towns, even these grew up later than the polis.
It didn't work, even with Reagan, even with a deal, it just didn't.
Today it is the hope of many people both here and abroad That we might even overcome might even transcend the basic structure of regime politics altogether and organize our world around global norms of justice and international law.
Good, so even if everyone in the number-- everyone in the room didn't choose randomly but they all chose a 100, a very unlikely circumstance, but even if everyone had chosen 100, the highest, the average, sorry, the highest two-thirds of the average could possibly be is 66 2/3, hence 67 would be a pretty good choice in that case.
But he believed that it was important to take the tools of science, to take the tools of rational thought and apply them to the good of the state, even if you saw that good of the state as in ships that could lob cannonballs even further against hostile ships, and that kind of thing.