It's probably more oligarchic or aristocratic, but the point is this is something we haven't heard of ever before.
This is the first time I've ever done that before.
No English poet before Milton ever suggested that he had been chosen by God at birth to be a poet.
Rather, he claims that he wants to hear justice defended the way that no one has ever defended it before.
And this is because we could effortlessly produce and understand sentences that no human has ever said before on earth.
And, in fact, a computer program has come up with a proof that, as far as was known, nobody in the world had ever come up with before.
that is,people who were administered,who are governed, but in the sense of having people passing papers back and forth, and having to sign every damn thing you could ever imagine- it's just unbelievable-- before they ever thought of themselves as being citizens.
Have you ever been to Borough Market before?
Before that, nobody ever said that.
The "Do you ever" pattern is fantastic. You probably have heard it before.
Do you ever”句型特别棒, 或许你之前有听过。
How many of you have ever heard this before, while Lynda's getting this set?
Article in the September 29, 2008, of Washington Post said that and I quote, Joshua may be one of the most discreet White House Chief of Staff ever, seldom talking on the record to the press or appearing before outside audiences.
And the spotlight effect--Well, before talking about my favorite experiment ever, there is an episode of "The Simpsons" that provides a beautiful illustration of the spotlight effect.
Would anybody volunteer to say a sentence, non obscene, non derogatory, that has never been spoken before on earth, ever?
And he'd never,rather like Louis-Napoleon, had hardly ever been in Paris before; he really hadn't,I don't think,ever.
So the fact of the matter is many of you in your initial papers will get lower grades than you've probably ever gotten before in your life.