Imagine waking up every morning and saying to yourself: "I refuse to accept the law of gravity.
You could go to the gym every morning at 6 am.
:45 He would typically get to his desk at about 6:45 every morning in the Oval Office.
This is an exciting week in science in general because we got to hear another Nobel Prize every morning pretty much. So, let's settle down for a second and start listening.
I read The Wall Street Journal every morning and I worry about the credit crisis, and I worry about credit cards, and I worry about auto loans, and I worry about corporate loans, and I worry about the solvency of the banking system, and then I go to work and I try and find the best opportunities that I possibly can.
and she's been...she's amazing. She practices every day. I think she wakes up at 5 in the morning,
Every Saturday morning I'm going through Stop 'N Shop and there's Nora Jones in the background playing.
每周六我都会路过"Stop 'N Shop"超市,那里总在放诺拉·琼斯的歌
So according to P, the priests are to offer two such burnt offerings with pleasing-smelling odors to the Lord every day: one in the morning and one in the evening on a regular basis from the community.
As WHCF and Budget Director, my first meeting of the day my first responsibility of the day was to be at the senior staff meeting 7:30 every morning at 7:30.
I needed about an half hour ahead start on him in the office in order to be sufficiently prepared to visit with him which I did every morning shortly after he arrived.
He stayed up all night and counted every leaf on the tree and it came very close to what Rituparna said, so he--the next morning-- believed Rituparna.