It was a question of constructing an elaborate formal edifice to which everybody could contribute. Students got excited about it.
Well, not everybody, but everybody can use to keep emails safe, just like sort of a really easy thing to do.
We can talk about "religion-ex" since everybody is spiritually equal, but women and men actually in practice are not equal.
Congratulations again to those that did well and let's do what we can to get everybody over to the right of that blue line.
That's how it works because at the end of the day, when everybody is against you, everybody sort of stumbles.
This kind of tension doesn't make things clear; the rules are not absolute, and not everybody fits into a pigeon hole.
She was part of the clinical trial that did this, and they gave everybody certificates after it was done.
Most people--And everybody was tapping the beat just fine and dandy, but notice up here nobody is playing the beat.
Please go get the clicker at the Bass Circulation Desk, and they should have enough everybody in the class.
They saw certain patterns or certain ways of elaborating patterns that the teachers were talking about and, lo and behold, the fifty minutes was over and everybody had had a pretty good time.
But we think it's really important for the department to help everybody learn about computation, and that's what this course is about.
The Benthamite utilitarian says everybody's preferences count and they count regardless of what people want, regardless of what makes different people happy.
That's what the optimist thinks-- not just for themselves individually, but for everybody, the total is always positive.
First, that everybody knows realities, people believe that because we all immersed in it, and that already defeats models that you might have.
In Alsace almost everybody, as you will see later, spoke German dialect. But it didn't mean, if you asked somebody, "Are you French?"
It's expensive to live in New York, so a lot of people are wealthy, but not everybody is. I'm not.